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A brief introduction to Shimabara

A brief introduction of Shimabara

A brief introduction of Shimabara

Located on the north-eastern tip of the Shimabara Peninsula, facing Ariake Bay in the east and Mt. Unzendake and Mt.Fugendake in the west, Shimabara city has a population of 48,000 and an area of 82.75km2.
Shimabara has been an economic, political, and cultural center since the Edo period, and there still remain a lot of historic spots.
The Shimabara Castle is one of the reminders of that period.
The Castle is well maintained and is one of the tourist spots in the city.
The clear fountains found in many places in the city also attracttourists who visit the city.
Since the declaration of the termination of the series of volcanic activities, the city and its people have been buckling down to the difficult task to reconstruct the city adding the new concept "the City with the Countermeasures against the Disasters."


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 〒855-8555   長崎県島原市上の町537番地   TEL:0957-63-1111   FAX:0957-64-5525  
 開庁時間 午前8時30分~午後5時15分(土・日・祝日を除く)

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